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A woman writingon a white board suggesting making goals

The Association of Adventist Women (AAW) aspires to meet the unique needs of Adventist women in all areas of endeavor. Founded in 1982, it is the oldest, continuously operating organization of Adventist women.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of the God created He him; male and female created He them.” Genesis 1:27

Both man and woman are created in God's image. We believe our church and communities cannot fully reflect the image of God without recognizing the skills and insights of women.

Our Mission

To advocate for the full recognition of God's diverse calling of women & men in all leadership roles in the Seventh-day Adventist organization, congregations, and communities.



  • to enhance the church’s effectiveness by fostering a grass roots movement to recognize women’s call to service is a call to leadership throughout the entirety of church life.

  • to promote leadership skills among Adventist women of various ages and backgrounds so they are equipped to answer God's call..

  • to establish a network for Adventist women to inspire and support each other in leadership.

  • to work amicably with the church to create more significant opportunities for women in all levels of administration and ministry, including ordination.

  • to highlight Adventist women’s contributions so their skills, their calling from God, is fully valued.

  • to demonstrate open and collaborate models by working in complementary ways with other church organizations.

Current Officers

  • President: Nerida Taylor Bates

  • Secretary: Robin Butler

  • Treasurer: Priscilla Walters

  • Director of Development: Ruth Peeters

  • Woman-of-the-Year Awards: Linda Wysong Becker

  • Communications Director: Frances Priest

  • Board: Dana Stelian, Hazel von Maack

  • Webmaster:

Our History


The Association of Adventist Women (AAW) was begun as a committee of the Association of Adventist Forums (AAF) and grew into an independent, volunteer organization incorporated in 1982 as an independent, not-for-profit entity. It has become a major source of encouragement for Adventist women both in North America and internationally. One initial goal that has been met with so much enthusiasm was to create a Women's Ministry Department at the North American Division. Other work has included collaborating with the NAD to develop sexual misconduct protocols. AAW began and spun off TEAM (Time for Equality in Adventist Ministry), an independent organization which provides scholarships for women to study theology.


The AAW has provided news of Adventist women, honored many women for their gifts and accomplishments through their Woman-of-the-Year Awards (WOYA), provided a stimulating annual conference, called attention to church leaders who promote church gender equality, and made bold recommendations for changes in the church to promote full use of members’ gifts.

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Advocating for women in leadership throughout the Seventh-day Adventist church and communities.

PO Box 1700
Loma Linda, CA 92354


© 2018 The Association of Adventist Women is an independent organization supporting, but not affiliated with, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, its churches and organizations. Opinions expressed are solely those of the Association of Adventist Women.

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